Reducing the complexity of softwareStay fast and flexible in the future

Nowadays, modern software consists of a large number of small individual components that are housed in virtual containers. Although this enables significantly faster development cycles, even in heterogeneous environments, it also increases complexity.

WIIT uses agile software development to make your business applications flexible and future-oriented in line with your needs.

Container orchestrationSimple management with Managed Kubernetes

To make it easier for you to work with modern, container-based applications, WIIT makes use of container orchestration: The tool we use is the open source software Kubernetes (K8s), which has established itself as the de facto standard.

We can therefore simplify and largely automate the use of containers for our customers.

Open source technologyWhat can Managed Kubernetes do?

Kubernetes is an open-source technology developed by Google that manages the resources and lifecycle management of containers:

  • Monitoring of health management
  • Distribution of containers to servers
  • Network links between the containers
  • Service registry
  • Configuration of security & network policies

Our servicesWIIT as your partner by your side

A container project requires extensive specialist knowledge, which must be built up through extensive training of internal employees. However, many companies are unable to do this themselves due to a lack of time or a lack of specialists. This is where we at WIIT come in with a team of experts and offer you the complete managed Kubernetes service, from automation and deployment to scaling and administration of your individual container solution.

Services at a glance

Setup, operation & update

We actively support you in dealing with Managed Kubernetes:

From setup and deployment, through administration, networking and automation, to regular updates.


The cluster and the components are permanently monitored in order to detect problems at an early stage and to provide a status overview of one or more clusters at all times. BigMoDo and Prometheus are used as monitoring tools.

Scaling & number of servers

Do you need larger server capacities or more server units? With WIIT, servers can be scaled in no time at all.

Backup & Restore

WIIT relies on regular backups and short recovery times to protect your data and make it available again quickly, even in the event of physical or digital incidents.​

Managed Kubernetes with WIIT - your benefits

Regardless of whether you want to set up a complex container solution in a multi-cloud environment, containerize and cloudify individual applications or base new software on container technology from the outset: We offer managed Kubernetes container orchestration, which our experienced managed cloud providers will be happy to implement for you.

Lower IT costs

Containers allow workloads to be distributed evenly across the infrastructure. This allows the use of hardware to be optimized.

Security and performance

Redundant, high-availability environments equip you for performance peaks and guarantee maximum uptime.


Develop, deploy and scale applications as quickly as possible. Accelerated processes and release cycles increase your time-to-value.

Certified expertiseWIIT - The Premium Cloud

With WIIT, you gain a solid and competent partner who will accompany you on the entire cloud journey. We know the cloud in all its forms, we have our own resources and certified expertise. Our container orchestration solutions allow you to focus on your business by relying on WIIT for the availability, scalability and resilience of your software.