SMSThe importance of an omnichannel strategy

Promotional text messages are widespread, but their effectiveness is often weakened by their stand-alone use. It becomes greater, however, if the sending is part of a broader omnichannel strategy that adopts SMS in combination with other touchpoints that, taken together, help keep the customer view central. WIIT, through its platform, makes it possible for the company to choose the channel through which to communicate with the customer, from SMS to e-mail, from the mobile app to PEC, if required.

transparent overlay

Use in the security field

Another feature that has “revived” SMS is authentication through this channel by sending an OTP (One time Password) code. It is currently enjoying great success, because it makes it possible to secure registration processes, purchases or access to sensitive data in online mode.

Transactional SMS

A further application of SMS is the transactional one. They have a purely informative character and, as an alternative to e-mail or other channels, they allow to communicate quickly with the customer, laying the bases for subsequent commercial cross selling and up selling.

Transactional SMS allows to:

Send links to documents

Confirm order acceptance

Track shipments

Remind deadlines and/or reservations

Send alerts and warnings of various types

Send activation codes or passwords

Make service communications

The necessary automation of SMS

Since the sending of SMS is often massive, it is important to provide automation mechanisms with which to reach a large audience of customers, possibly dividing them into clusters that meet different criteria: age, gender, purchase history, geographical origin, web searches, etc.

Why choose WIIT

The WIIT Digital Platform makes multichannel processes simple and transforms them into an omnichannel perspective, since it allows to convey around the same customer types of messages and documents that pass through different media. SMS, therefore, is only one of many, but not the only one, in a holistic approach that embraces a plurality of converging channels.