ECMStreamline document flows

Digitizing collaborative processes offers huge performance benefits, but requires fast, agile and secure document flows that integrate information from multiple channels by overcoming the logical and physical separations of data silos.

By enabling ECM solutions in SaaS from WIIT, organizations access more fluid and efficient content management.

The digitization of workflow and the use of cloud-based repositories enable the centralization and unification of complex processes, integrating multiple resources and providing secure access to structured and indexed documents and content.

Enterprise Content Management solutions provide native digital management of document workflows and greater efficiency in archiving, indexing, editing and transmitting content.

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Why choose itThe advantages of ECM solutions

Usability Unify document flow management and improve visibility of files and content.

Operativity 24/7 operation, in device-neutral and remote-friendly mode.

Integration Coordinate data and information from multiple sources, communicating effectively with corporate applications.

Efficiency Improve access, consultation and execution of document processes.

Lightness Use flexible and scalable storage spaces according to your needs, even for geographically distributed organisations.

Security Implement the strictest data protection standards, regulate access by crossing several verification systems.


Benefits Enterprise Content Management

Find out how to apply the benefits of a CME

By using WIIT’s SaaS ECM solutions, organisations can streamline complex document processes and improve their operability, access and activate the necessary resources more quickly and on-demand, enable smart workflow management and automate data extraction and transmission tasks.

Cloud Content Storage

WIIT provides organizations with storage solutions on a proprietary platform, scalable and with very high guarantees of durability and availability. This creates centralized, cloud-based, rapid-access repositories that relieve companies of the burdens of data protection, infrastructure maintenance and scalability costs.

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Content & Document Management

Through the ECM module of the “WIIT Digital Platform”, organizations can implement agile and highly automated document workflows, able to catalog, consult, edit and complete files of any type and process in a collaborative manner. This cuts down on the time it takes to retrieve and use information, and improves process efficiency.

ERP Integration

WIIT’s ECM processes are designed to dialogue effectively with the organisations’ enterprise applications in a multi-channel, automatic, secure and programmable manner. Involved corporate functions can simply retrieve and transmit data to the management systems in use and gain complete control over document flows and single elements.

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Content retrieval

The WIIT ECM solution allows organizations to have a more agile approach to content management, increasing the level of transparency of documents and enabling, through automatic queries, rapid procedures for data retrieval and indexing.